Reasons to attend the White Label World Expo if you are a manufacturer
Visit Bulgarian Fashion Association at stand 1478 on November 27th and 28th at White Label World Expo at the ExCeL in London!
The White Label World Expo is the leading online retail sourcing show, making it the perfect destination for manufacturers to showcase their products to a rapidly growing market. Based in four countries over three continents. It truly is a global event reaching a truly global audience.
On November 27th and 28th, the White Label World Expo will be held at the ExCeL in London for two days of unmissable action for the white label industry. Thousands of global business leaders, entrepreneurs, online sellers, retailers, and distributors come together for the White Label World Expo in order to meet top representatives from the likes of Amazon, Ebay, and Shopify to further their business and make long lasting relationships with suppliers that will benefit their business long term.
Why should you come to the White Label World Expo? Well, white label products are some of the most popular items on the market at present. As of 2018, the value market share of white label goods in the UK stood at approximately 52%, one of the highest figures in the whole of Europe. This represents a 28% increase from 2014, where the value stood at 41%.
Moreover, in a new study by Cadence Consulting Group, 54% of millennials said their choice of retailer is influenced by the private labels offered, and even 60% thought that their chosen retailer’s white label products were better than other alternatives. A further study discovered that approximately 50% of millennials were open to buying private-label products in any category, with 48% of respondents saying that they expected to buy more in the next 12 months.
These figures suggest that the popularity of white label products is increasing. This could prove to be an important factor when you consider that Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christenson claims that over 30,000 new products are introduced every year, and up to 95% of these fail.
So, by purchasing white label products, a business is taking advantage of buying from an experienced company whose products are already established on the market. Buying goods to sell through this avenue will also allow a business to avoid the manufacturing process altogether, which will save a significant amount of time and money.
The White Label World Expo, however, is not just a trade exhibition. It is an educational event that seeks to offer your business the absolute latest information coming out of the industry. The event possesses a world class line-up of industry experts who are all there to help your business reach their absolute potential.
Alan Barratt, Founder and CEO of Grenade, is just one of the impressive keynote speakers at the show this year. There are few people in the industry that have had an entrepreneurial journey quite like Alan’s. He started at the age of 11 when he was nearly expelled from his school for selling cakes in the playground. He managed to resolve the situation by negotiating a deal to sell to the teachers at preferential rates, and it was at this point he realised he wanted to work for himself. Alan’s keynote seminar at the White Label World Expo is titled ‘build a brand, not a business’ and will discuss the key factors and decisions that led to him building one of the best known and fastest growing businesses in the UK over the past 5 years.
Another keynote speaker, Chloë Thomas, will be sharing the invaluable knowledge she has acquired over the course of her professional life. Chloë’s seminar will be titled ‘Keep Optimising – how to massively increase your traffic and conversions’ and will explain how your company can grow from 10 orders per month to 100 or 100 to 1000 (or beyond) means doubling your business multiple times. She will be using the information she has accrued over her long and distinguished career as a best-selling author, International Speaker, and host of the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast to deliver her informative keynote seminar.
Finally, an example of a speaker who specialises in retail, is Andrew Busby, founder of Retail Reflections. Retail writer, Forbes contributor and author of the book ‘Harry Was Right All Along’, Andrew is one of is one of the most high-profile figures in retail – regularly featuring in the top 20 lists of global retail influencers. He will use his experience in his seminar, to educate the visitors on ‘The New Consumer What you Really Need to Know’. He will explor the new age consumer, the current state of retail, how we got to this position and the implications the new age consumer has for all brands and retailers. It then looks at some of the trends from around the world which are responding to these demands and expectations and in doing so are beginning to push the boundaries of legacy retail.
There will be over 200 speakers over the course of the two days, so you will have to make sure you plan your two days perfectly in order to see the speakers you want to listen to.
The White Label World Expo will be one of the best places to source all of the newest products and services on the market. It is an incredible opportunity for your business to come face-to-face with over 300 of the world’s top suppliers and try, touch, and test a multitude of products. You can take advantage of free advice and consultations, helping you to secure the best deals and take your business to the next level.
There is one last feature at the show that you will not want to miss out on. The masterclass program at the White Label World Expo will offer you advice and demonstrations on how to carry out certain activities within the industry. There are up to 50 masterclasses at the White Label World Expo, with Huboo and Virtuous Graphics being just two of the examples of businesses running their own presentations.
As Huboo are the UK’s fastest growing eCommerce fulfilment specialists, who have revolutionised the way that fulfilment businesses function, it seems only right to have them to hold their own masterclass. Their class will focus on the Do’s & Don’ts of Outsourcing your Fulfilment. Understanding fulfilment with Huboo will give you a complete overview of all the major benefits of outsourcing your fulfilment, from the basic elements of outsourcing to detailed analysis. With an open Q & A session to finish, their aim is to for you leave with the answers to enable you to make those business critical decisions.
Tickets to visit the White Label World Expo at the ExCeL London on the 27th and 28th November are completely free. To register visit the website.
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