The sponsors of the Fascinate project are Modacc, Denmark’s Lifestyle & Design Cluster, the Bulgarian Fashion Association, the CITEVE technological institute in Portugal, and the Clúster Digital de Catalunya.Funded by the European program COSME, this project will benefit 650 European SMEs. For the first time, the textile and fashion industry and digital technology industry have set to work side by side to determine how they can use the digital sphere to address the needs of
The first fully virtual European Cluster Conference brought together more than 900 stakeholders, policymakers, cluster managers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to discuss and share current and future priorities for cluster policies and developments to support sustainable industry development and interregional cooperation, and to build connections between Europe’s value chains, clusters and ecosystems. Silvia Kabaivanova, Chairman of Bulgarian Fashion Association and editor-in-chief of Be Global Fashion Network, made a speach about How clusters can strengthen the European
On Thursday 5 November 10: 30-12: 45 will take place the web conference “Fostering Circular Textiles and Fashion in the Mediterranean”.The initiative is part of the Recò Festival of Circular Economy and is co-organized by the Prato Textile Museum and Confindustria Toscana Nord as part of the European STAND Up! and TEX MED Alliances, both funded by the European Union through the ENI-CBC MED Program. Through the presentation of the two projects and selected good practices, the conference will offer an overview of the challenges
On 21 & 22 September 2020 took place the First Steering Committee of FASCINATE – Sustainable Fashion Alliance for International Markets in the framework of the Clusters Going International (ESCP-4i) Programme. The partners met online to discuss the future initiatives, which they will organize in the next 18 months. David Garcia, General Manager at MODACC, welcomed all participants and introduced MODACC’s team. David stressed the importance of the 3 main pillars of the FASCINATE project: 1) cooperation between fashion clusters in
Global Talents Digital is announcing a new call out for sustainable emerging designers, inviting them to show their new collections for clients, the press, buyers, celebrity stylists, and industry leaders – by means of video presentations/live streams/AR/VR. The brand-new edition of Global Talents Digital is inspired by sustainability and aims to educate and inspire the world with it. Designers should be focused on one or more directions like upcycling, recycling, ethical fashion, slow fashion, or
At a glamorous ceremony, the four most promising young designers were awarded For the first time ever, the Academy of Fashion, with chairman Prof. Lubomir Stoykov, presented the award “Rising Star 2020” with a glamorous ceremony at Vitosha Park Hotel. During the traditional summer event Summer Fashion, four of the most promising young designers of the year were awarded – Kristina Kolodeeva, Marieta Kotova, Hristiana Mutafchieva and Stamena Konstantinova. Host was the charming singer and
Last week Silvia Kabaivanova (Chairman) and Dean Manev (Vice Chairman) from Bulgarian Fashion Association visited Mariage Fest Bucharest to research the opportunity to present Bulgarian fashion at the next edition of the fair. The event took place from 31 January to 2 February. For three days brides and grooms from all over Romania visited the fair to select their wedding dresses, suits, rings and to plan the whole event. There were so many people waiting
The light industries innovation and technology project (ELIIT project) seeks to support textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) SMEs in enhancing their competitiveness while helping them integrate new technologies in innovative or high added-value products, processes or services. ELIIT will aid the transfer of innovation and technology as well as the market uptake of innovative solutions by developing concrete pilot actions to improve productivity, value chain integration, and resource efficiency. The ELIIT project will select 25
At the University of Ruse took place the regional Bulgarian and Romanian Stakeholder Workshop on Horizon Europe implementation – the future framework program of the European Union for research and innovations in the period 2021-2027. The organizers were the European Comission, the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of Romania. More than 250 specialists from different organizations from Bulgaria and Romania attended the event.
Representatives of Bulgarian Fashion Association visited Pitti Uomo – the world’s most important platform for men’s clothing and accessory collections and for launching new projects in men’s fashion. Created in 1972 Pitti Uomo is held in Florence twice a year. It is famous with the so called “Pitti peacocks” – men who travel to the Pitti Uomo trade show to pose in stylish clothing trying to have a photo taken by the street style photographers
In 2019 Bulgarian Fashion Association started a cooperation with Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the beginning of 2020 we received the official certification for membership in BCCI for 2020. The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (established in 1895) is an independent, non-governmental organization for assistance, promotion, representation and protection of the business interests of its members, which contributes to the development of international economic cooperation and provides assistance for the European and
The Academy of Fashion and its Chairman Professor Lyubomir Stoykov, awarded the most stylish and successful Bulgarians for the eleventh consecutive year. Raina Kabaivanska, pop singer and actress Poli Genova, Vasil Petrov and actor Ivaylo Zahariev are the winners of the “BG Fashion Icon 2019” in the “Art” category. Ivet Lalova is “BG Fashion Icon 2019” in category “Sport”, the TV presenter Tsvetanka Rizova from BTV received the prize in the “Media” category and in
Paulina’s Friends is a wearable haute couture fashion & textile design brand from Berlin. It was presented at TexTailor Expo in November 2019, where Bulgarian Fashion Association had a booth. Paulina’s Friends is founded in 2018 by entrepreneur, art historian and author Paulina Tsvetanova. She lives her childhood dream of being a couturier. One of a kind statement creations, embodying an unique emotional story. Unisize. Unisex. Uniseason. Unique. Ageless. Wearable art. Flamboyant mix of patterns,
The White Label World Expo, a global e-commerce and white-labeled trade show, was held on November 27 and 28 at the Excel London Exhibition Center.The Bulgarian Fashion Association participated with its own booth, at which it presented clothes and accessories from various Bulgarian manufacturers, one of which the artist-designer Dilyan Dochev-DiL. He introduced hand-painted silk scarves. 10 models were displayed: “The Castle and the Rubies”, “Prince”, “Fairytale World”, “Casino”, “Dragon”, “Chess”, “Graphics”, “Nature”, “Dolphins”, “Mosaic”.